Integrated Development + Performance Environment for ChucK

spencer salazar + ge wang
date:2005 - present
version: (gidora)
platform: linux (others)

The miniAudicle is a light-weight integrated development environment for the ChucK digital audio programming language. It can be used as a standalone ChucK development + runtime + on-the-fly programming environment, or in conjunction with traditional command-line modes of 'chuck' operation and with other chuck tools. Please email us with any installation issues, usage questions, bug reports, or feature requests. Join the chuck mailing lists for updates and around-the-clock support. Currently implemented tools include:

  • embedded ChucK runtime engine
  • on-the-fly programming support
  • syntax highlighting + coloring

  • download source miniAudicle- (gidora)
    (requires Qt 4.8+, libsndfile; ALSA or JACK)
    release notes | build instructions | known bugs

    (language documentation, more downloads)

    The Audicle
    (pre-alpha OpenGL environment, highly experimental)

    read the miniAudicle ICMC2006 paper
    "miniAudicle and ChucK Shell: New Interfaces for ChucK Development and Performance"

    join the community
    (chuck|chuck-users etc. mailing lists, wiki, soup)

    soundlab | cs | music